Torah and Gospel

Torah and Gospel A lecture that should be watched in conjunction with the lecture on Al-Kitab / The Book, this lecture answers some of the basic questions about the status of At-Taurah & Al-Injeel (mentioned in Al-Kitab / The Book). At-Taurah & Al-Injeel are commonly…


Psalms This is a lecture that elaborates on previous lectures given on the topics “What Al-Quran says about Al-Kitab / The Book,” “What Al-Quran says about At-Taurah / The Law and Al-Injeel / The good News,” “What Al-Quran says about Kitab-e-Moosa / Book of Moses…


Hadith A lecture of great importance, one which tackles the issue of Hadees (Events) from the Quranic perspective, as it is a factor that plays an important part in the Muslim belief. This lecture describes two kinds of Events (dealing with messengers, other events in…

Sunnah / Practice

Sunnah – Practice This is a lecture that talks about the “Sunnat / Practice” a word which is normally linked to the messenger of God; however the lecture highlights this word which in Quran is used with Allah/God and also people through time. Sunatullah, describes…

The Wisdom

The Wisdom In this lecture Al-Hikmah / The Wisdom is described in detail which the Muslim community associate with only Mohammed (pbuh), while according to the Quran Al- Hikmah / The Wisdom was given to all the prophets, and Muhammed (pbuh) Seal of the Prophets…